How to Identify and Recognize Your Subscribers

Monday, January 12, 2009 5 comments

I believe most of you knew about subscriber. But some people didn't know How to Identify and Recognize their subscribers.
There are some method and software to know our subscribers, such as use Back Link Analyzer.
But the easy and simple way to know our subscribers is using GOOGLE READER
Here the step that you need to do :

1. Sign in to your google account. Then click My Account

2. You will find "Reader" widget. Click reader widget.
If you don't see reader widget, you must active the widget.
Click "more" to find the reader widget and active the reader widget

3. After you click the reader widget, you will enter to subscriber page.
Then, find Manage Subscriptions

4. Then you will see your subscribers

When I am writing this article I see my subscriber 74, and you see in the google reader there are 74 subscribers.

So simple and easy...

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